Friday 19 September 2008

compo no.3 xD

~ Snatch thief! ~

The air was still with the sun shimmering fiercely in the clear blue sky. Heat danced in waves before Tim as he walked home from the library, causing her to suffocate under her sweat-soaked shirt, that made it stick like glue to his little frame. Tim could not wait to go home and switch on the air-conditioner.

Just then, a shrill scream jolted him from his
pleasant reverie. Tim looked around, and saw a frail old woman lying crumpled on the pavement, with a basket laden with groceries lying beside her. Tim ran over to her and asked her what happened. She shook as she related to Tim what happened. A young man had snatched her purse containing a lot of money pushed her to the floor, and ran off. By now, a crowd had gathered and a young lady told him that she had seen a burly young man clutching a handbag fleeing towards Goldhill Gardens.

“Come on, we have to chase him!” I shouted to another young man, who was standing beside me, with a look of curiosity on his face. They ran helter-skelter, no holds barred, towards Goldhill Gardens. After running for a short distance, we spotted the burly young man with the handbag. “Hey! Stop thief!” my accomplice bellowed. The culprit looked back and picked up his pace. He ran towards the Goldhill Gardens street, fear lending wings to his feet. My accomplice and I then ran as fast as we could. My lugs felt as if they were on fire and my legs felt like lead but I was unrelenting.

Then, unexpectedly, the thief turned into a dark alley. Of course we followed him there, and it turned out to be a big mistake. When the thief reached the end of the alley, he rounded on us with a menacing snarl. Knowing that he was trapped like a rat in a barrel, he looked around for a weapon and found one – a long metal rod. Picking it up, he started to walk towards us, an evil smile on his face. Knowing we were in trouble, my accomplice and I started inching backwards.

Just as I thought I was doomed to my fate, a siren pierced through the air. “ Drop the weapon or we will shoot,” a harsh voice said. Knowing that he had no choice, the thief dropped his weapon. Once he had done that, a swarm of policemen surrounded and handcuffed him. My accomplice and I were very relieved. As he thief was led away, he fixed me with a haunting glare. That glare will be etched in my mind forever.

1 comment:

tsooc said...

Dear Sindhu,

Well done. Do look out for your story in our main blog.