Sunday 28 September 2008

compo no.6 <3


I was scribbling furiously. How could such a question appear in the exam! We haven’t even learned it! Beads of perspiration trickled down my forehead and I wiped it away with a clammy hand. This was the SA2 mathematics examination, one that I could not fail. If I did, I would not be able to go to the top class next year, and I badly wanted to. I tried to mentally recall all the topics that our form teacher, Ms Lin had taught us. Guess and check, heuristics, repeated identity! Finally having found the solution, I started scribbling furiously, pleased that I had found the solution

Just then, something caught my eye. Lisa was sliding her delicate hand into her pocket and pulling out a small piece of paper. I stared at her, my eyes wide open in shock as I saw her nestling the paper on her lap, looking at it and scribbling furiously. Could it be true? One of the smartest girls in class, cheating? My eyes must be playing tricks on me. I rubbed my eyes and stared at her again. It had to be true then. I was now in a big dilemma. Should I tell the invigilator or not? If I did, Lisa would slaughter me. If I didn’t, I would have a guilty conscience. Which to choose? I decided to tell the invigilator, but tell her not to use my name. I raised my hand high in the air. The invigilator, Ms Lei, walked over to me looking at me suspiciously. “ Yes?” she said. I related to her what had happened and begged her not to use my name.” Are you sure?” she questioned me, afraid to accuse an innocent child wrongly. I nodded. Then, she walked over to Lisa’s table. When she saw Ms Lei coming towards her, she froze, fear written across her face. “One of the students tells me that you have a little secret you want to share with me,” she said, her voice dangerously soft. Lisa tried to act innocent. “Wh…what do you mean?” she stammered. “Give me that piece of paper!” yelled Ms Lei. Ms Lei was a kind-hearted teacher by nature, but if you got on the wrong side of her, she was not a nice person to deal with. Lisa shakily handed over the note to Ms Lei. After that, Ms Lei took away her paper, even though it was only two thirds done. Once Ms Lei had taken away her paper, Lisa shot eye daggers at everyone in the class, nestled her head in her arms, and started sobbing. I returned to my paper.
“Time’s up!” Ms Lei said, and collected the papers from all the children. Then, she gave Lisa a long lecture. “Thanks to June, I stopped you from doing the wrong thing,” she said. What! I told her not to use my name! Now I would be in very big trouble! Lisa pounced on my name. Her eyes glinted with fury as I made my way out of the room. As Ms Lei allowed us to go for recess, I heard a yell behind me. ”Stop there you evil June!” someone yelled. I wheeled around to face Lisa and her friends. “Hi…” I muttered. “Get her!” she yelled. At her command, all her friends lunged towards me and started kicking and punching me. ”Ah!” I yelled. ”Please stop!” I begged, but they turned a deaf ear to my pleas. Luckily for me, Mr Johnson, my maths teacher, was passing by. When he heard my screams, he ran towards the source of the noise, and found Lisa and her friends punching me.

He immediately pulled the girls off me and helped me to my feet. Then, he asked me what transpired. I narrated the whole incident to him. By now, Lisa and her clique were shaking from head to toe. “ Is this true?’ Mr Johnson asked, his voice deadly soft. Lisa and her clique nodded. “You are coming with me to the principal’s office right now!” he yelled, his face the colour of molten lava. We went shakily down to the principal’s office, where Mr Johnson narrated what had happened to the principal. The principal listened, and then said that the girls would be suspended for three weeks. Hearing that, the girls broke into harsh sobs. I then realised that cheating never pays

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