Saturday 27 September 2008

compo no.5 :)

~ Pickpocket! ~

A blast of cool air hit me as I walked into the cool, welcoming arms of the Popular bookshop. I wanted to by a few books to read, so I headed over to the book section of the Popular bookshop. “Hmm, let me see. I heard that a new book series has come out. I think I’ll go take a look,” I muttered to myself as I walked over to the new arrivals section. There, I picked up the book ‘Twilight’ and browsed through it. As I was browsing through it, I noticed a gangly teenager skulking around. When he thought I saw him, he immediately picked up a book and pretended to be reading it.

I decided to just ignore it and to proceed with browsing through the book. Once I had finished browsing through the book, I gave it the green light and decided to buy it. Then, I saw the teenager who I had noticed earlier lurking behind me. What was he up to? The thought played on my mind as I walked to the cashier to pay for the book. It was a long queue, so I started reading the book as I stood in line. Finally, it was my turn. “That will be six dollars,” the cashier told me. I reached into my back pocket and felt around for my wallet. Where was it? Panic overwhelmed me as I realised that it was missing! Then, something caught my eye. The teenager who had been acting suspiciously was holding my wallet! I immediately told the cashier and some of the people in the queue what had happened. Then, I went towards the boy, followed closely by the people who I had told.

“Hey, that’s my wallet! What do you think you’re doing?” I yelled to the boy. “ This is mine!” the boy said. I snatched the wallet from him and showed him my identity card. Knowing that he was trapped, the boy tried to run. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t make it very far before one of the people I had to caught up with him and tackled him to the floor. I immediately whipped out my handphone and called the police, almost pressing the wrong buttons in my haste.

Almost immediately, the police arrived. The youth was handcuffed and taken to the police station. I have learned an invaluable lesson from this – never put your wallet in your back pocket.

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