Saturday 13 September 2008

compo no. 2 xD

“Janice, please try to get along with your brother while we’re at Melissa’s wedding,” my mother reminded me. My parents were going to a family friend’s wedding, so they had left me in charge of my irritating younger brother, Jim. “OK mom,” I grumbled. I was not pleased at all with being left with my younger brother, who was well known as the class prankster. “ Now kids, the number to our hotel is pasted on the fridge. Please try to get along!” my mother said, and with that, she and my father left the house.

“OK, here are my rules. No yelling, no disturbing me, or else there’ll be trouble. Got it? Good. Now go find something to do,” I said, going towards the computer. “OK fine, whatever,” my brother said, going into his room and shutting the door.

I spent about two hours infront of the computer. Just as I was about to go into my blog, the computer went blank. So did the lights and fans. “What the…?” I muttered as I tried fruitlessly to switch on the computer again. All of a sudden, the lights came on again. Puzzled, I was about to continue using the computer when the electricity went off again. I then heard a giggle from outside the house. Smelling a rat, I decided to investigate. I crept out and saw my irritating brother playing with the mains switch!” Right, this means war!” I thought. I went back into the house, and started thinking hard. Soon, I came to a decision. I went into my parents’ room, and took a white bedsheet. I draped it around myself, and crept out to where the mains switch was. I went behind my brother and yelled’ BOO!”

“Ahhh!” yelled my brother. His face was as pale as a sheet. I laughed heartily, pulling the sheet off me. Fuming that he had been tricked, my brother yelled at me and said he was going to tell our parents. I raised my eyebrows, searching for a solution. Then it clicked. “Well then, I’ll tell them you were playing with electricity. That will raise their ire, won’t it?” I smirked. Knowing that he had been outwitted, my brother begged me not to tell our parents. I agreed to, on one simple condition, that he would stop playing tricks on me. My brother sulked, but he agreed.
From then on, my brother never played a trick on me again.


tsooc said...

Dear Sindhu,
Well done. You can also tell me what is the condition you have for your brother.

♥withlove,Syakirah♥ said...

hey! xD
nice compo yeas xD
but one problem!
hmph >.< T_T
comment luurrhs..