Friday 5 June 2009

news flash!


Summary: The high cost of staging and the economic downturn are the main reasons for the low number of televised fund- raisers this year. Currently, only three shows have been confirmed - the Tabung Amal Adilfiltri Trust Fund's show, which aired in January on Suria, the Community Chest’s (ComChest) show on the 14th of June, and the President’s Star Charity show on the 11th of October. These shows raised about $15.6 million in total. The other charities, however, are not confident of pulling in the millions of dollars in donations need to make the event worthwhile.

My Opinions: I think that these charities might be taking a risk holding the fundraisers. Given the gloomy economy, I do not think that anyone might want to donate, and if no one donates or the donations are not enough, these charities will suffer heavy losses. However, the more popular shows, such as the President’s Star Charity, might make money, as they are widely known and have the sympathy of many people.

i also thnk that if there is one big show for all the major charities in singapore, it will be very sucessful. the profit can then be divided eqally among all the charities. the cost can also be minimised and there will also be good earnings.

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