Thursday 18 June 2009


School peddles fake RMIT degree

Brookes business school in Singapore peddles fake RMIT (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) certificates. The students did not know that the certificates were fakes. They only discovered it when one of their fellow graduates was given a stern warning by a bank when she tried to apply for a job with her fake RMIT degree. Part time lecturers, whom the ‘ graduates’ say kept changing, taught them. They were required to hand up about eight to ten assignments. One ‘graduate’ says that her assignments were never graded and returned, but she received a glowing transcript with more than a dozen distinctions. Besides selling fake RMIT degrees, the school also peddled bachelor of business degrees from Brookes University, which students said they were told was based in Truro city in Cornwall in the United Kingdom. When The Straits Times called Brookes Business School to find out what other degrees they offered, a staff member proffered a one-year course from the University of Wales or the University of Ballarat in Australia, both costing $18,000. The Straits Times contacted both universities. Ballarat University said it has no such agreement with Brookes. Meanwhile, one RMIT ‘graduate’ said she had recently resigned from her well paying job after learning that her degree was a fake. The 28- year old said that she had come across many schools that offer degrees from unheard- of universities in strange places, and when Brookes offered an RMIT degree, she thought that there was no way that the degree could be a fake, as no would dare use the name of a well-established university like RMIT

My opinions- I think that this is a very dishonest thing to do. These people have paid money to come and try to better their knowledge so that they can get a job. By doing this, they are depriving the students of their money, knowledge and jobs. This is incredibly unfair in my opinion. The young ‘graduate’ who was mentioned earlier, must have been heartbroken to find that she had been cheated of her education and her money. If it was me, I would have sued the school for cheating so many people. Now, none of the people can look for jobs, and those who have jobs might probably be fired. I also think that this school should be closed down. There are many fake programmes in this school, and the cost of each programme is quite expensive, with the money going into the thousands.

- I also pity the principal of this organisation, who apparently had no idea that the certificates were fake. I think that what the 28-year-old above-mentioned graduate was showing incredible integrity. Most other people would have not admitted that they had a fake certificate, as it was a well paying job. I am surprised that she did not take legal action.

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