Friday 19 December 2008

news report!!!

Singapore's Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) has lifted the suspension on the import of milk and milk products from China AVA said that following its inspection of dairy farms, milk collection centres and food processing establishments in China, it is satisfied with the control measures in place to ensure that milk and milk products imported from China are not contaminated with melamine. Products produced by approved establishments on or after December 18 will be allowed into Singapore.AVA has also imposed additional import conditions for such Chinese products. These include mandatory batch testing of raw materials by manufacturers for melamine contamination and health certification by the Chinese authorities that consignments exported to Singapore have been tested and are melamine-free.AVA said it will continue to monitor the products imported into Singapore to ensure that they are safe for consumption.

Singapore is finally allowing China made dairy products to be sold in shops. before this, they had banned all China made dairy products as most of them had been tainted with melamine. Melamine is one of the major components in Pigment Yellow 150, a colorant in inks and plastics.
i am glad that this dairy scare is over as now we do not need to be worried about consuming china made products. but i also think that we should still be observant. the AVA says that it will be conducting suprise checks every now and again. this is a good precaution.

Six Singaporeans and 11 Malaysians were arrested in a joint operation, conducted from December 9 to 16, between Singapore's Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) and Malaysia's Narcotics Crime Investigation Department (NCID).Close to 26kg of Ketamine, 191g of Ice, 10,275 Erimin-5 tablets and 50 Ecstasy tablets were seized as part of the operation.Cash, suspected to be drug proceeds amounting to some S$14,400 and RM10,000, was also recovered.Seven Malaysia-registered cars were also seized. Among the Singaporeans arrested were a 49-year-old unemployed man, a 26-year-old hawker assistant and a 45-year-old unemployed drug syndicate leader CNB says the operation was the result of investigations into the Singaporean syndicate leader based in Johor Bahru, who was supplying drugs to traffickers in Singapore

the reason for conducting this search was because of the recent find of heroin in Singapore. the CNB joined forces with their malaysian counterparts to stop the circle of drug traffickers from selling drugs to innocent people and hurting them. i do not understand why people want to take drugs as they will only harm us instead of benifiting us. i think every child in Singapore should be educated on the dangers of drugs and what to do if they are offered drugs.

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